In network marketing, there is only thing that you can implement into your business that is sure to bring you success: consistent activity.
This business requires consistent activity in order to create the momentum that will carry you up through the company levels and to success. Working your business once a week is not consistent activity. In fact, if you choose to work your business only once a week, what you have is not a business, but a hobby.
Does this mean that you have to work every single day and never get any free time to yourself? Of course not. The beauty of networking marketing is that you are your own boss, and you choose when to work. If you have children and one of them gets sick, you can take the day off to care for them. If there is a fun event in town that you have been looking forward to going to, then go! Never again will you have to R.S.V.P to family events with regrets because you "have to work". With networking marketing, you can work your business around the rest of your life.
But the key phrase here is work your business. This does not mean "in your spare time" (we all know that no one has spare time!) or when you are bored and have nothing to do. Most people who start this business did not have spare chunks of time during their day where they were sitting around twiddling their thumbs. The key to maintaining consistent activity and working your business around your life is to work it in the nooks and crannies of your day.
So, plan your calendar. First, write in all the family and fun events that you want to attend that month. Family, friends, doctor's appointments, birthday parties, etc. Then, write in your work hours around those events already scheduled. Block off two hours a day (or how many hours a day you would like to work your business) and highlight it. Save that time for when there are not going to be any distractions around, and then work your business.
If you work a business where you hold parties or demos in people's home, here's a tip: block of the time that you want to hold demos in your calendar and highlight it. Then, as you book the parties on those days, fill in the highlighted area with the details. This method is great because of two reasons: first, you are more organized, and you always know at a glance when you are available to do parties and how many parties you have already booked, as well as how many parties you need to book to reach your goal; and second, because having those highlighted blocks on your calendar is really great for visual motivation. I like to look at the calendar for a minute in the morning and visualize all my highlighted blocks filled with details of booked parties. :o)
So, remember: put your hours into your calendar, then work it. Work your business consistently. If you put these principles into place, the momentum will come, and your business will pick up. It's just a matter of time. :o)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Think BIG
If you want to have true success in the Network Marketing business, than it is a great idea to THINK BIG.
Now, if your goal is to just make a couple of extra hundred dollars a month to pay for a few extra expenses, then thinking big is not necessary. But if you have the burning desire and the commitment to go to the top, then THINKING BIG will get you there.
You have to start taking yourself seriously. As soon as you launch your business, then you must think of yourself as a business person. Attend business networking events. Check out your local Chamber of Commerce. Join local business social groups. Attend business seminars and trainings. Don't be intimidated by the other business people that are at these events...remember, you are now a business owner as well. Look and act the part. THINK BIG.
Once you begin to take yourself seriously and treating yourself as the business owner that you are, then others will start taking you seriously. They will realize that you are in this for the long haul, and they will begin to show you the same respect that they would show any other business owner.
Don't be afraid to approach others about your business. Not matter what their profession is; a doctor, a lawyer, etc. You have no way of knowing if they are keeping their options open. Maybe that successful doctor is secretly desperate to quit her job and stay home with her kids. Maybe that lawyer has a burning desire to retire early and is looking for a way to make that happen. In any case, who are you to make the choice for them? No matter what they do, don't be afraid. THINK BIG.
Most of all, believe in yourself. Only then will you be able to take yourself seriously. Only then will you be able to approach everyone about your business. Only then will you be able to THINK BIG.
THINKING BIG will take you to places that you thought you would never see. Give it a try. What do you have to lose?
Now, if your goal is to just make a couple of extra hundred dollars a month to pay for a few extra expenses, then thinking big is not necessary. But if you have the burning desire and the commitment to go to the top, then THINKING BIG will get you there.
You have to start taking yourself seriously. As soon as you launch your business, then you must think of yourself as a business person. Attend business networking events. Check out your local Chamber of Commerce. Join local business social groups. Attend business seminars and trainings. Don't be intimidated by the other business people that are at these events...remember, you are now a business owner as well. Look and act the part. THINK BIG.
Once you begin to take yourself seriously and treating yourself as the business owner that you are, then others will start taking you seriously. They will realize that you are in this for the long haul, and they will begin to show you the same respect that they would show any other business owner.
Don't be afraid to approach others about your business. Not matter what their profession is; a doctor, a lawyer, etc. You have no way of knowing if they are keeping their options open. Maybe that successful doctor is secretly desperate to quit her job and stay home with her kids. Maybe that lawyer has a burning desire to retire early and is looking for a way to make that happen. In any case, who are you to make the choice for them? No matter what they do, don't be afraid. THINK BIG.
Most of all, believe in yourself. Only then will you be able to take yourself seriously. Only then will you be able to approach everyone about your business. Only then will you be able to THINK BIG.
THINKING BIG will take you to places that you thought you would never see. Give it a try. What do you have to lose?
Monday, October 1, 2007
MLM Marketing vs. Pyramid Scheme
One of the misconceptions that people may have about a networking company is that it is a pyramid scheme. Pyramid Schemes are illegal and costly scams that people sign into because they are promised serious money with no effort. Network Marketing, however, is a legitimate and popular way to own your own business and work your own hours.
So what exactly is the difference between a Pyramid Scheme and a MLM business? Well, the Direct Selling Association has loads of information about pyramid schemes and how to avoid them, but there are three questions that the DSA suggests you ask yourself in order to avoid being taken in by this scam:
1. How much are you required to become a distributor?
Pyramid schemes will have a large sign up fee that you must pay in order to join. Most of the time it is around $1,000.00. In order to appear legitimate, most pyramid schemes will tell you that this fee pays for products that you must have, or training that you are required to go through, or software programs you need to run your business, etc. However, the products you receive are worthless and you are out $1,000. Legitimate MLM companies want to make it easy for you to start the business; therefore they charge a minimal fee to sign up, usually the cost of a kit.
2. Will the company buy back unsold inventory?
Legitimate MLM companies will buy back any inventory that you have not sold if you quit the business, sometimes for up to 90% of what you bought it for. Pyramid schemes, on the other hand, will not buy back any inventory and you are then stuck with worthless products and no way to make your money back.
3. Are the company's products sold to consumers?
If there is little effort to sell the products to consumers and instead you are pressured only to recruit more people, then run away. Legitimate MLM companies only make money when products are sold to consumers, while Pyramid schemes only make profits when new people are duped into signing on and purchasing worthless inventory.
So there you have it. In Pyramid Schemes, people are generally working for themselves and could care less who they are hurting when they recruit people into the scheme. However, if you join a legitimate MLM company, you will be pleasantly surprised on how everyone you are working with wants to help you succeed and reach your goals. Networking Marketing is a legitimate and real choice for someone who wants the freedom of running their own business but cannot afford the costly start up costs and risks involved with starting a business in the traditional manner. With MLM, the start up cost is minimal and the system for success is already in place; you don't have to try to figure out things on your own. As we say in my business of choice, "You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself".
So what exactly is the difference between a Pyramid Scheme and a MLM business? Well, the Direct Selling Association has loads of information about pyramid schemes and how to avoid them, but there are three questions that the DSA suggests you ask yourself in order to avoid being taken in by this scam:
1. How much are you required to become a distributor?
Pyramid schemes will have a large sign up fee that you must pay in order to join. Most of the time it is around $1,000.00. In order to appear legitimate, most pyramid schemes will tell you that this fee pays for products that you must have, or training that you are required to go through, or software programs you need to run your business, etc. However, the products you receive are worthless and you are out $1,000. Legitimate MLM companies want to make it easy for you to start the business; therefore they charge a minimal fee to sign up, usually the cost of a kit.
2. Will the company buy back unsold inventory?
Legitimate MLM companies will buy back any inventory that you have not sold if you quit the business, sometimes for up to 90% of what you bought it for. Pyramid schemes, on the other hand, will not buy back any inventory and you are then stuck with worthless products and no way to make your money back.
3. Are the company's products sold to consumers?
If there is little effort to sell the products to consumers and instead you are pressured only to recruit more people, then run away. Legitimate MLM companies only make money when products are sold to consumers, while Pyramid schemes only make profits when new people are duped into signing on and purchasing worthless inventory.
So there you have it. In Pyramid Schemes, people are generally working for themselves and could care less who they are hurting when they recruit people into the scheme. However, if you join a legitimate MLM company, you will be pleasantly surprised on how everyone you are working with wants to help you succeed and reach your goals. Networking Marketing is a legitimate and real choice for someone who wants the freedom of running their own business but cannot afford the costly start up costs and risks involved with starting a business in the traditional manner. With MLM, the start up cost is minimal and the system for success is already in place; you don't have to try to figure out things on your own. As we say in my business of choice, "You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself".
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